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The Gospel of Luke Bible Study
Introduction to Inductive Bible Study
Intro to Inductive Bible Study (20:51)
The Gospel of Luke Notes and Videos : INTRO and LUKE 1
Introduction to Luke (23:15)
Introduction to Bible X Tutor (6:26)
INTRO & LUKE 1:1-4 (15:28)
LUKE 1:5-10 The Birth of the John Baptist Foretold (24:44)
LUKE 1:11-17 The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold(continued) (31:08)
LUKE 1:18-25 The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold(continued) (21:19)
LUKE 1:26-31 The Birth of Jesus Foretold (33:07)
LUKE 1:32-38 The Birth of Jesus Foretold(continued) (24:07)
LUKE 1:39-45 Mary Visits Elizabeth (20:45)
LUKE 1:46-56 INTRO - The Magnificat (26:50)
LUKE 1:46-56 - The Magnificat (28:48)
LUKE 1:57-80 The Birth of John the Baptist and the Benedictus (30:57)
LUKE 2:1-7 The Birth of Jesus (32:43)
Luke 2:8-20 - The Shepherds and Angelic Proclamation (31:12)
Luke 2:21-24 - The Circumcision and Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (22:57)
Luke 2:25-38 - The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (continued) and Simeon and Anna (35:09)
Luke 2:39-52 - The Return to Nazareth and the Boy Jesus in the Temple (30:26)
Luke 3:1-3a - The Geo-Political Context of the Ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus (32:25)
Luke 3:3b-6 - A Baptism of Repentance for the Remission of Sins (41:38)
Luke 3: 7-14 - John's Preaching (32:33)
Luke 3:15-20 (28:04)
Luke 3:21-38 - The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus (28:58)
Luke 4:1-13 - The Temptation of Jesus (26:34)
Luke 4:14-15 - Jesus Begins His Ministry (31:32)
Luke 4:16-30 - Preaching in Nazareth (30:17)
Luke 4:31-44 - Man with an Unclean Spirit and the Healing of Many (37:48)
Luke 5:1-11 - Calling the First Disciples (28:42)
Luke 5:12-16 - Cleansing a Leper (19:56)
Luke 5:17-26 - Healing of a Paralytic (30:31)
Luke 5:27-32 - Calling of Levi (26:59)
Luke 5:33-39 - Question About Fasting (37:37)
Luke 6:1-5 - Plucking of the Grain on the Sabbath (27:54)
Luke 6:6-11 - Man with a Withered Hand (25:50)
Luke 6:12-19 - Choosing the Twelve and Ministering to a Great Multitude (31:03)
Luke 6:20-26 - Blessings and Woes (34:06)
Luke 6:27-36 - Love for Enemies (Part 1) (33:13)
Luke 6:27-36 - Love for Enemies (Part 2) (19:15)
Luke 6:37-42 - Measure for Measure (22:02)
Luke 6:43-45 (14:12)
Luke 6:46-49 - How to Read Parables (30:02)
Luke 6:46-49 - The Two Foundations (30:40)
Luke 7:1-10 - The Healing of a Centurion's Servant (18:34)
Luke 7:11-17 - The Raising of the Widow's Son (37:22)
Luke 7:18-23 - John the Baptist's Question (19:43)
Luke 7:24-35 - Jesus' Testimony About John (29:31)
Luke 7:36-50 - A Woman is Forgiven (33:42)
Luke 8:1-3 - The Women Who Accompany Jesus (21:57)
Luke 8:9-10 - The Reason for the Parable of the Sower (28:25)
Luke 8: 4-8, 11-15 - The Parable of the Sower (42:09)
Luke 8:16-21 - Some Sating of Jesus and His Mother and Brothers (25:00)
Luke 8:22-25 - The Calming of the Storm (33:49)
Luke 8:26-39 - Healing of the Demoniac (39:14)
Luke 8:40-59 - Jairus' Daughter and the Woman with the Issue of Blood (34:34)
Luke 9:1-6 - Sending Out of the Twelve and Herod's Anxiety (36:23)
Luke 9:7-9 - Herod's Anxiety (24:33)
Luke 9:10-17 - Feeding of the 5000 (32:24)
Luke 9:18-20 - Peter's Declaration (15:55)
Luke 9:21-27 (27:37)
Luke 9:28-36 - The Transfiguration (42:36)
Luke 9:37-43 (16:52)
Luke 9:43-45 - Passion Prediction (61:42)
Luke 9: 46-56 - Jesus Begins His Journey to Jerusalem (30:00)
Luke 9:57-62 - The Would-Be Followers of Jesus (25:40)
Luke 10:1-4 - The Sending of the Seventy (42:34)
Luke 10:5-12 - The Sending of the Seventy (continued) (48:07)
Luke 10:13-16 - Woes to Unrepentant Cities (34:59)
Luke 10:17-20 - The Return of the Seventy (17:21)
Luke 10:21-24 - Jesus' Thanksgiving Hymn (25:01)
Luke 10:25-37 - The Good Samaritan (41:48)
Luke 10:25-37 - The Good Samaritan (continued) (37:43)
Luke 10:38-42 - Mary and Martha (21:44)
Luke 11:1-13 - The Lord's Prayer (Part 1) (46:04)
Luke 11:1-13 - The Lord's Prayer (Part 2) (29:38)
Luke 11:29 - The Demand for a Sign (38:37)
Luke 11:27-28 - True Blessedness (26:03)
Luke 11:14-26 - Jesus and Beelzebul (24:35)
Luke 11:33-36 -- The Light of the Body (20:04)
Luke 11:30-32 - The Sign of Jonah (29:23)
Luke 11:37-57 - Denouncing the Pharisees and Scribes (Part 1) (26:51)
Luke 11:37-57 - Denouncing the Pharisees and Scribes (Part 2) (25:04)
Luke 11:37-57 - Denouncing the Pharisees and Scribes (Part 3) (15:35)
Luke 12:1-9 - Warning of Hypocrisy and Whom to Fear (39:34)
Luke 12:10-12 - Sin Against the Holy Spirit (25:13)
Luke 12:13-21—The Rich Fool (19:38)
Luke 12:22-34 - Don’t Worry (18:33)
Luke 12.35-40 - Watchful Servants (13:38)
Luke 12:41-48 - Watchful Servants (60:18)
Luke 12:49-53 - Jesus the Cause of Division (27:58)
Luke 12:54-56 - Discerning the Time (18:22)
Luke 12:57-59 - Settling with Your Accuser (12:59)
Luke 13:1-5 - Repent or Perish (21:54)
Luke 13:6-9 - Parable of the Barren Fig Tree (12:30)
Luke 13:10-17 - Healing of a Crippled Woman (18:43)
Luke 13:18-21 - Parables of the Mustard Seed and Leaven (20:21)
Luke 13:22-24 - The Narrow Door (38:20)
Luke 13:25-30 - I Never Knew You (30:41)
Luke 13:31-35 - Herod Antipas and the Lament over Jerusalem (30:18)
Luke 14:1-6 - Healing the Man with Dropsy (17:02)
Luke 14:7-14 - Parable of Guests at a Banquet (25:06)
Luke 14:15-24 - Parable of the Great Banquet (25:07)
Luke 14:25-35 - The Cost of Discipleship (Pt1) (37:13)
Luke 14:25-35 - The Cost of Discipleship (Pt2) (22:16)
Luke 15:1-10 - One Sheep, One Coin (22:13)
Luke 15:11-32 - The Father and His Two Sons (Pt1) (23:09)
Luke 15:11-32 - The Father and His Two Sons (Pt2) (13:19)
Luke 16:1-13 - The Parable of the Dishonest Steward (Pt1) (44:54)
Luke 16:1-13 - The Parable of the Dishonest Steward (pt2) (23:17)
Luke 16:14-15 - God Knows the Heart (25:49)
Luke 16:16-18 - Jesus' Opinion about John (34:45)
Luke 16:19-31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus (40:46)
Luke 17:1-10 - Some Sayings of Jesus (26:05)
Luke 17:11-19 - Healing of the Ten Lepers (24:38)
Luke 17:20-21 - The Kingdom is Within You (68:38)
Luke 17:22-37 - The Coming of the Son of Man (24:28)
Luke 18:1-8 - The Parable of the Widow and the Judge (24:02)
Luke 18:9-14 - The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (14:12)
Luke 18:15-17 - Jesus Blesses the Little Children (35:09)
Luke 18:18-30 - The Rich Ruler (Pt1) (33:31)
Luke 18:18-30 - The Rich Ruler (Pt2) (20:27)
Luke 18:33-43—Healing of the Blind Beggar near Jericho (23:13)
Luke 18:31-34 - Jesus Again Predicts His Death (16:27)
Luke 19:1-10 - Zacchaeus (51:04)
Luke 19:11-27 - The Parable of the Pounds (25:00)
Luke 19:28-40 - The Triumphal Entry (42:21)
Luke 19:45-48 - Jesus Drives Out the Money Changers (51:45)
Luke 19:41-44 - Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem (44:41)
Luke 20:1-8 - The Authority of Jesus Questioned (26:39)
Luke 20:9-19 - The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen (86:30)
Luke 20:20-26 - Paying Taxes to Caesar (25:03)
Luke 20:27-40 - Question About the Resurrection (35:17)
Luke 20:41-44 - Question About David’s Son (20:57)
Luke 20:45-47 - The Denouncing of the Scribes (16:08)
Luke 21:5-33 - The Destruction of Jerusalem and the End of the Age (Part 1) (36:44)
Luke 21:5-33 - The Destruction of Jerusalem and the End of the Age (Part 2) (14:12)
Luke 21:5-33 - The Destruction of Jerusalem and the End of the Age (Part 3) (28:42)
Luke 21:1-4 - The Widow’s Offering (13:29)
Luke 21:34-38 - Exhortation to Watch (14:31)
Luke 22:7-13 - The Preparation of the Passover (60:22)
Luke 22:1-6 - The Plot to Kill Jesus (14:22)
Luke 22:14-23 - The Eating of the Passover (43:42)
Luke 22:24-27 - The Dispute About Greatness (46:23)
Luke 22:28-30 - The Disciples Sit Alongside Jesus Judging Israel (33:01)
Luke 22:31-34 - Peter’s Denial Foretold (80:52)
Luke 22:35-38 - Purse, Bag, and Sword (18:52)
Luke 22:39-46 - Prayer on the Mount of Olives (70:36)
Luke 22:47-53 - Jesus’ Arrest (36:10)
Luke 22:54-62 - Peter’s Denial (53:54)
Luke 22:63-65 - The Mocking and Beating of Jesus (29:26)
Luke 22:66-71 - Jesus before the Chief Priests (Part 1) (39:38)
Luke 22:66-71 - Jesus before the Chief Priests (Part 2) (53:21)
Luke 22:66-71 - Jesus before the Chief Priests (Part 3) (35:25)
Luke 23:1-5 - Jesus before Pilate (Part 1) (45:25)
Luke 23:1-5 - Jesus before Pilate (Part 2) (31:02)
Geography of the Passion (23:55)
Archaeology of the Passion (75:46)
Luke 23:13-25 - Pilate Condemns Jesus to Death (57:46)
Luke 23:6-12 - Jesus before Herod (75:30)
Luke 23:26-31 - Jesus Speaks to the Daughters of Jerusalem (31:24)
Luke 23:32-43 - The Crucifixion of Jesus (Part 1) (24:51)
Luke 23:32-43 - The Crucifixion of Jesus (Part 2) (25:25)
Luke 23:32-43 - The Crucifixion of Jesus (Part 3) (21:24)
Luke 23:44-49 - The Death of Jesus (35:32)
Luke 23:50-56 - Archaeology of Burial (37:00)
Luke 23:50-56 - The Burial of Jesus (31:43)
Luke 24:1-12 - The Resurrection of Jesus (37:55)
Luke 24:13-35 - The Road to Emmaus: Part 1 - The Scriptures of Jesus (32:20)
Luke 24:13-35 - The Road to Emmaus: Part 2 - The Location and Identification of Emmaus (30:06)
Luke 24:13-35 - The Road to Emmaus: Part 3 - Jesus and the Redemption of Israel (37:13)
Luke 24:13-35—The Road to Emmaus: Part 4 (22:54)
Luke 24:36-49 - Jesus Appears to His Disciples: Part 1 (68:10)
Luke 24:36-49 - Jesus Appears to His Disciples: Part 2 (52:34)
Luke 24:50-53 (20:38)
Luke 19:41-44 - Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem
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