The Gospel of Luke Bible Study
The Gospel of Luke Bible Study with our New Bible Study Tutor.”
Your Instructor
Marc Turnage holds an MA in Ancient Judaism and the Origins of Christianity from Jerusalem University College. He is currently finishing his PhD in the Land of Israel Studies Department at Bar Ilan University located in Ramat Gan, Israel, under the supervision of Professor Esther Eshel. Marc has taught graduate and undergraduate students at several universities in the United States and abroad.
Marc moved to Israel to study because he felt that the issues of spatial, historical, cultural, and spiritual settings played a vital role in how we read the Bible. While studying in Israel, he fell in love with the lands of the Bible. He has been guiding groups through Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, and Italy for over twenty years. Marc is a highly sought-after guide and teacher and routinely trains and lectures local tour guides about guiding Christian groups. He is passionate about leading biblical tours that deliver the very finest experience and helping people understand how to read the Bible.
Marc has published widely for both academic and popular audiences. His most recent book, Windows Into the Bible, was named by Outreach Magazine one of its top 100 Christian living resources. Marc is a widely sought-after speaker, and a gifted teacher. He resides in Springfield, MO with his family.
Course Curriculum
StartINTRO & LUKE 1:1-4 (15:28)
StartLUKE 1:5-10 The Birth of the John Baptist Foretold (24:44)
StartLUKE 1:11-17 The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold(continued) (31:08)
StartLUKE 1:18-25 The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold(continued) (21:19)
StartLUKE 1:26-31 The Birth of Jesus Foretold (33:07)
StartLUKE 1:32-38 The Birth of Jesus Foretold(continued) (24:07)
StartLUKE 1:39-45 Mary Visits Elizabeth (20:45)
StartLUKE 1:46-56 INTRO - The Magnificat (26:50)
StartLUKE 1:46-56 - The Magnificat (28:48)
StartLUKE 1:57-80 The Birth of John the Baptist and the Benedictus (30:57)
StartLUKE 2:1-7 The Birth of Jesus (32:43)
StartLuke 2:8-20 - The Shepherds and Angelic Proclamation (31:12)
StartLuke 2:21-24 - The Circumcision and Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (22:57)
StartLuke 2:25-38 - The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (continued) and Simeon and Anna (35:09)
StartLuke 2:39-52 - The Return to Nazareth and the Boy Jesus in the Temple (30:26)
StartLuke 3:1-3a - The Geo-Political Context of the Ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus (32:25)
StartLuke 3:3b-6 - A Baptism of Repentance for the Remission of Sins (41:38)
StartLuke 3: 7-14 - John's Preaching (32:33)
StartLuke 3:15-20 (28:04)
StartLuke 3:21-38 - The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus (28:58)
StartLuke 6:1-5 - Plucking of the Grain on the Sabbath (27:54)
StartLuke 6:6-11 - Man with a Withered Hand (25:50)
StartLuke 6:12-19 - Choosing the Twelve and Ministering to a Great Multitude (31:03)
StartLuke 6:20-26 - Blessings and Woes (34:06)
StartLuke 6:27-36 - Love for Enemies (Part 1) (33:13)
StartLuke 6:27-36 - Love for Enemies (Part 2) (19:15)
StartLuke 6:37-42 - Measure for Measure (22:02)
StartLuke 6:43-45 (14:12)
StartLuke 6:46-49 - How to Read Parables (30:02)
StartLuke 6:46-49 - The Two Foundations (30:40)
StartLuke 8:1-3 - The Women Who Accompany Jesus (21:57)
StartLuke 8:9-10 - The Reason for the Parable of the Sower (28:25)
StartLuke 8: 4-8, 11-15 - The Parable of the Sower (42:09)
StartLuke 8:16-21 - Some Sating of Jesus and His Mother and Brothers (25:00)
StartLuke 8:22-25 - The Calming of the Storm (33:49)
StartLuke 8:26-39 - Healing of the Demoniac (39:14)
StartLuke 8:40-59 - Jairus' Daughter and the Woman with the Issue of Blood (34:34)
StartLuke 9:1-6 - Sending Out of the Twelve and Herod's Anxiety (36:23)
StartLuke 9:7-9 - Herod's Anxiety (24:33)
StartLuke 9:10-17 - Feeding of the 5000 (32:24)
StartLuke 9:18-20 - Peter's Declaration (15:55)
StartLuke 9:21-27 (27:37)
StartLuke 9:28-36 - The Transfiguration (42:36)
StartLuke 9:37-43 (16:52)
StartLuke 9:43-45 - Passion Prediction (61:42)
StartLuke 9: 46-56 - Jesus Begins His Journey to Jerusalem (30:00)
StartLuke 9:57-62 - The Would-Be Followers of Jesus (25:40)
StartLuke 10:1-4 - The Sending of the Seventy (42:34)
StartLuke 10:5-12 - The Sending of the Seventy (continued) (48:07)
StartLuke 10:13-16 - Woes to Unrepentant Cities (34:59)
StartLuke 10:17-20 - The Return of the Seventy (17:21)
StartLuke 10:21-24 - Jesus' Thanksgiving Hymn (25:01)
StartLuke 10:25-37 - The Good Samaritan (41:48)
StartLuke 10:25-37 - The Good Samaritan (continued) (37:43)
StartLuke 10:38-42 - Mary and Martha (21:44)
StartLuke 11:1-13 - The Lord's Prayer (Part 1) (46:04)
StartLuke 11:1-13 - The Lord's Prayer (Part 2) (29:38)
StartLuke 11:29 - The Demand for a Sign (38:37)
StartLuke 11:27-28 - True Blessedness (26:03)
StartLuke 11:14-26 - Jesus and Beelzebul (24:35)
StartLuke 11:33-36 -- The Light of the Body (20:04)
StartLuke 11:30-32 - The Sign of Jonah (29:23)
StartLuke 11:37-57 - Denouncing the Pharisees and Scribes (Part 1) (26:51)
StartLuke 11:37-57 - Denouncing the Pharisees and Scribes (Part 2) (25:04)
StartLuke 11:37-57 - Denouncing the Pharisees and Scribes (Part 3) (15:35)
StartLuke 12:1-9 - Warning of Hypocrisy and Whom to Fear (39:34)
StartLuke 12:10-12 - Sin Against the Holy Spirit (25:13)
StartLuke 12:13-21—The Rich Fool (19:38)
StartLuke 12:22-34 - Don’t Worry (18:33)
StartLuke 12.35-40 - Watchful Servants (13:38)
StartLuke 12:41-48 - Watchful Servants (60:18)
StartLuke 12:49-53 - Jesus the Cause of Division (27:58)
StartLuke 12:54-56 - Discerning the Time (18:22)
StartLuke 12:57-59 - Settling with Your Accuser (12:59)
StartLuke 13:1-5 - Repent or Perish (21:54)
StartLuke 13:6-9 - Parable of the Barren Fig Tree (12:30)
StartLuke 13:10-17 - Healing of a Crippled Woman (18:43)
StartLuke 13:18-21 - Parables of the Mustard Seed and Leaven (20:21)
StartLuke 13:22-24 - The Narrow Door (38:20)
StartLuke 13:25-30 - I Never Knew You (30:41)
StartLuke 13:31-35 - Herod Antipas and the Lament over Jerusalem (30:18)
StartLuke 16:1-13 - The Parable of the Dishonest Steward (Pt1) (44:54)
StartLuke 16:1-13 - The Parable of the Dishonest Steward (pt2) (23:17)
StartLuke 16:14-15 - God Knows the Heart (25:49)
StartLuke 16:16-18 - Jesus' Opinion about John (34:45)
StartLuke 16:19-31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus (40:46)
StartLuke 18:1-8 - The Parable of the Widow and the Judge (24:02)
StartLuke 18:9-14 - The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (14:12)
StartLuke 18:15-17 - Jesus Blesses the Little Children (35:09)
StartLuke 18:18-30 - The Rich Ruler (Pt1) (33:31)
StartLuke 18:18-30 - The Rich Ruler (Pt2) (20:27)
StartLuke 18:33-43—Healing of the Blind Beggar near Jericho (23:13)
StartLuke 18:31-34 - Jesus Again Predicts His Death (16:27)
StartLuke 20:1-8 - The Authority of Jesus Questioned (26:39)
StartLuke 20:9-19 - The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen (86:30)
StartLuke 20:20-26 - Paying Taxes to Caesar (25:03)
StartLuke 20:27-40 - Question About the Resurrection (35:17)
StartLuke 20:41-44 - Question About David’s Son (20:57)
StartLuke 20:45-47 - The Denouncing of the Scribes (16:08)
StartLuke 21:5-33 - The Destruction of Jerusalem and the End of the Age (Part 1) (36:44)
StartLuke 21:5-33 - The Destruction of Jerusalem and the End of the Age (Part 2) (14:12)
StartLuke 21:5-33 - The Destruction of Jerusalem and the End of the Age (Part 3) (28:42)
StartLuke 21:1-4 - The Widow’s Offering (13:29)
StartLuke 21:34-38 - Exhortation to Watch (14:31)
StartLuke 22:7-13 - The Preparation of the Passover (60:22)
StartLuke 22:1-6 - The Plot to Kill Jesus (14:22)
StartLuke 22:14-23 - The Eating of the Passover (43:42)
StartLuke 22:24-27 - The Dispute About Greatness (46:23)
StartLuke 22:28-30 - The Disciples Sit Alongside Jesus Judging Israel (33:01)
StartLuke 22:31-34 - Peter’s Denial Foretold (80:52)
StartLuke 22:35-38 - Purse, Bag, and Sword (18:52)
StartLuke 22:39-46 - Prayer on the Mount of Olives (70:36)
StartLuke 22:47-53 - Jesus’ Arrest (36:10)
StartLuke 22:54-62 - Peter’s Denial (53:54)
StartLuke 22:63-65 - The Mocking and Beating of Jesus (29:26)
StartLuke 22:66-71 - Jesus before the Chief Priests (Part 1) (39:38)
StartLuke 22:66-71 - Jesus before the Chief Priests (Part 2) (53:21)
StartLuke 22:66-71 - Jesus before the Chief Priests (Part 3) (35:25)
StartLuke 23:1-5 - Jesus before Pilate (Part 1) (45:25)
StartLuke 23:1-5 - Jesus before Pilate (Part 2) (31:02)
StartGeography of the Passion (23:55)
StartArchaeology of the Passion (75:46)
StartLuke 23:13-25 - Pilate Condemns Jesus to Death (57:46)
StartLuke 23:6-12 - Jesus before Herod (75:30)
StartLuke 23:26-31 - Jesus Speaks to the Daughters of Jerusalem (31:24)
StartLuke 23:32-43 - The Crucifixion of Jesus (Part 1) (24:51)
StartLuke 23:32-43 - The Crucifixion of Jesus (Part 2) (25:25)
StartLuke 23:32-43 - The Crucifixion of Jesus (Part 3) (21:24)
StartLuke 23:44-49 - The Death of Jesus (35:32)
StartLuke 23:50-56 - Archaeology of Burial (37:00)
StartLuke 23:50-56 - The Burial of Jesus (31:43)
StartLuke 24:1-12 - The Resurrection of Jesus (37:55)
StartLuke 24:13-35 - The Road to Emmaus: Part 1 - The Scriptures of Jesus (32:20)
StartLuke 24:13-35 - The Road to Emmaus: Part 2 - The Location and Identification of Emmaus (30:06)
StartLuke 24:13-35 - The Road to Emmaus: Part 3 - Jesus and the Redemption of Israel (37:13)
StartLuke 24:13-35—The Road to Emmaus: Part 4 (22:54)
StartLuke 24:36-49 - Jesus Appears to His Disciples: Part 1 (68:10)
StartLuke 24:36-49 - Jesus Appears to His Disciples: Part 2 (52:34)
StartLuke 24:50-53 (20:38)